Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Deficit Cieling

Why can't the Democrats and the Republicans cooperate to lower the deficit and increase the debt ceiling? Both parties claim that this is what they want. to lower the now over 14 trillion dollars in Federal debt. To a manageable number such that all our tax money isn't just going to pay the interest. A very real prospect that is already starting to happen.

So what's the problem? Apparently there was an agreement on the table that would have lowered spending in an amount that both parties agreed to. So what was the difference? The proposal would have plugged tax loopholes for big corporations and the rich. Loopholes like subsidies for corporate Jets, and for big oil corporations who, by the way made record profits last year. So, What's wrong with that? They can afford it right? Well, not so fast, You see, the hard line Republicans promised not to raise taxes under any circumstances. Woa, wait a second. Is plugging tax loopholes the same as raising taxes?

And what if it is? The only people that will be affected are millionaires and billionaires and a few giant corporations. Well according to John Boehner and his Republican colleagues, the answer is "Yes" plugging loopholes and tax subsidies for the rich and companies that can most afford them is, "raising taxes".
So what would happen if we let the Republicans have their way, and make cuts in Federal spending without increasing the tax base by closing loopholes in the tax code?

Well, services will have to be cut, or defunded or even "privatized". Things like medicare, Social security, healthcare, grants and funding for programs for people with special needs.
In other words it's you and me, the working people who will have to pay for these "cuts" in government spending. If you ask me, cutting my social services is getting less for my tax dollar so THAT is like raising MY taxes.

So why in the world would anyone want to do that the American People?

Well, the dirty secret is, that the Republican's constituency are the big corporations and the rich. And they have an agenda. And that agenda is to minimize government and government oversight of the financial and business sector. To eliminate any government programs that do not directly or indirectly put federal money into the greedy hands of the big corporations and the rich and powerful. And finally to privatize or eliminate any social programs for the poor and middle class, because this is a waste of good money that could be further enriching the rich.

It is Capitalism gone amok.
Lesser nations have had social revolutions in the face of such exploitation of the masses.
What amazes me, is that there seem to be plenty of middle class suckers out there that buy into this Republican snow-job. People like you and me who are afraid that "raising taxes" means raising our taxes.

Wake up America. The Republicans aren't working for you.
They are working for the rich, and when they have privatized your social security, like they did with our retirement programs, and they drive the economy into the ground AGAIN, It is YOU and ME that will lose all our money, and be out in the street with NO social safety net. while the Government, once again, opens the Treasury doors and unloads billions of dollars in bailout money into the coffers of the big banks and the rich.

Vote out the Republicans!
Bring back government of the people, by the people and for the people.