Friday, April 8, 2011

Why the stalemate on the budget?

What do the Republicans really want? To save unborn babies? To fix the deficit? to create jobs?
The only "jobs" the Republicans will be creating with their version of the budget is of the "snow" type.

Just think about it for one moment...
They say they the government is spending beyond its means, and we "have to cut spending so our grandchildren do not have to pay the interest..." on what everyone agrees is even currently a massive government deficit.

And yet...and yet.. they don't want to raise taxes on the rich. Who are the rich? The rich are the 3% of our citizens that have more wealth than the rest of us combined. You heard me, only 3% of the population of this great nation has managed to accumulate more wealth than if the rest of us put all our money in big pot. And guess how much they pay in taxes? Guess, go on, 40%? 50%, try 15%, that's right, the maximum tax on capital gains tax is 15%.

I don't know about you but I pay 30% of my income to Uncle Sam. And even if one of these rich people actually did work for a living, they would only have to pay 35% in taxes, and that's not counting all the loop holes they have access too. Hey! That's only 5% more than me! These people make 1000 times what I make in a year and they are paying only 5% more in taxes than me? And big corporations like GE who had record profits last year, don't pay any taxes at all! What's wrong with this picture?

So why won't the Republicans, (who are so focused on fixing the deficit for our grandchildren) tax the rich at a rate that is more consummate with their income? Why? Why Mr. Boehner? Why do you want to defund the Healthcare bill? Take away women's access to preventative health care? Why do you want to cut social services like the Housing and Urban development fund, Terminate the alternative Welfare program, Eliminate the Presidential Election fund. Why don't you just raise taxes on the rich????

Do you see a theme here? The republicans want to cut the social programs that help middle and lower class schmucks like you and me. While the rich folk sit fat and happy in the Big House hardly paying any taxes at all.

Wake up people, the Republicans don't care about unborn babies or the "Government takeover of healthcare" or even the deficit. They care about the people that pay for them to remain in office. The Fat Cats and the corporations that put them in office. They work for them, not us. Not "the people".

The Democrats have already agreed to the amount of cuts that the republicans have asked for. So if it's just about the deficit like the Republicans say, then what's the problem? Why is it so important that the cuts be about social services that affect you and me?

The truth is, it'a about whittling away government, and the oversight and services it provides to ordinary people to protect us from being exploited by big corporations and the mega rich.
When all the oversight is gone, and there are no more regulations and no more taxes, no more unions, and the rich and the corporations can pay us all minimum wage, and keep us all hungry so we have no choice but to work for them, and all our money goes to the private sector, then will they be happy?

Open your eyes America. If the government shuts down, it will be because the Republicans did not get their way. It's not about cutting spending like John Boehner repeats over and over again like a parrot, it's about cutting your social services, it's about not taxing the rich, it's about crippling government oversight, it's about keeping the workers down, and keeping that money in the 3% at the top of the pyramid, instead of re distributing it, in terms of services, oversight protections, and much, much needed good paying jobs.

The Republicans are not your friends, they are not patriots, they are thugs, thugs working for The Man, who will exploit you, and keep you down, so that he can have his way with our government, and with our money.
Tax the rich, protect the workers.

1 comment:

P.J.H. said...

I just wanted to say thank you for trying to get the american people informed. i wanted to add to the 3% being wealthy. think also about this people 1% of the "worlds population" own 95% of the "worlds industries" And guess what they don't care about us. they don't stop and think that we were at some point a probable customer that helped them get where they are now. we are now just useless human beings that are in their space, breathing their air, and eating their food supplies. And their not wanting to take care of us through government programs.